[visionlist] The 2020 OpenEDS Challenge on Eye Tracking for VR and AR in conjunction with ECCV 2020 workshop “Eye Gaze in AR, VR and in the Wild”

Komogortsev, Oleg V ok at txstate.edu
Mon Apr 13 15:58:06 -04 2020

Workshop: https://openeyes-workshop.github.io/
OpenEDS-Challenge: https://research.fb.com/programs/openeds-2020-challenge/<http://research.fb.com/programs/openeds-2020-challenge/>
Workshop paper submission site:https://openreview.net/group?id=thecvf.com/ECCV/2020/Workshop/OpenEyes
Challenge-submission site: https://evalai.cloudcv.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__evalai.cloudcv.org_&d=DwMGaQ&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=A65ucQGShTXVBwNZJgiCh-YMeGrcHCNav2OEgSJUfd4&m=jEtvyFy1LPoGe0Z-Z9WKnp68znE2BA5BEgG3QWWm4Go&s=j-RHZoCkZOlSFdFsh_TwTzr_i8HK6NZOPrzFxbCxIPI&e=>
Track 1: Gaze Prediction Challenge<https://evalai.cloudcv.org/web/challenges/challenge-page/605/overview>
Track 2: Sparse Temporal Semantic Segmentation Challenge<https://evalai.cloudcv.org/web/challenges/challenge-page/603/overview>

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Void where prohibited. Subject to full Official Rules [Gaze Prediction<https://research.fb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Final_Rules_Gaze_Prediction.pdf>, Sparse Temporal Semantic Segmentation<https://research.fb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Final_Sparse_Semantic_Segmentation.pdf>]

It is our pleasure to announce that Facebook Reality Labs (FRL) in collaboration with our academic partners from team-GAZE will organize a joint full-day workshop at ECCV 2020 in Glasgow, UK. Specifically, this event is a combination of the OpenEDS workshop<https://research.fb.com/programs/the-2019-openeds-workshop-eye-tracking-for-vr-and-ar/> (organized by FRL at ICCV 2019) and the Gaze Estimation and Prediction workshop<https://gazeworkshop.github.io/> (organized by team-GAZE at ICCV 2019).

Track-2 of this workshop will host two challenges that are structured around 2D eye-image datasets that we have collected using a prototype VR head mounted device. More information about these challenges is available at:https://research.fb.com/programs/openeds-2020-challenge/<http://research.fb.com/programs/openeds-2020-challenge/>
Call for Papers
In addition to soliciting participation in workshop challenge, the workshop is also soliciting papers covering a list of topics that are of particular interest to the organizing committee.

  *   Proposal of novel eye detection, gaze estimation pipelines using deep neural networks that incorporate one or all of the following:
     *   Geometric/anatomical constraints into the network in a differentiable manner.
     *   Demonstration of robustness to conditions where current methods fail (illumination, appearance, low-resolution etc.).
     *   Robust estimation from different data modalities such as RGB, depth, and near IR.
     *   Use of additional cues, such as task context, temporal data, eye movement classification.
  *   Designing new, accurate metrics to account for rapid eye movements in the real world.
  *   Semi-/un-/self-supervised learning, meta-learning, domain adaptation, attention mechanisms and other related machine learning methods for gaze estimation.
  *   Methods for temporal gaze estimation and prediction including Bayesian methods.
  *   Unsupervised semantic segmentation of eye regions.
  *   Active learning frameworks for semantic segmentation of eye images.
  *   Generative models for eye image synthesis and gaze estimation.
  *   Transfer learning for eye tracking from simulation data to real data.
  *   Domain transfer applications for eye tracking.
The tentative schedule for paper submissions is as follows:

  *   Workshop paper submission due: 5th of June
  *   Paper review due: 29th of June
  *   Decision notification: 3rd of July (same as the main ECCV conference)
  *   Camera-ready submission: 17th of July (same as the main ECCV conference)
**Submission Guidelines**
We invite authors to submit unpublished papers (14-page ECCV format<https://eccv2020.eu/author-instructions/>) to our workshop, to be presented at a poster session upon acceptance. All submissions will go through a double-blind review process. All contributions must be submitted (along with supplementary materials, if any) at this OpenReview link<https://openreview.net/group?id=thecvf.com/ECCV/2020/Workshop/OpenEyes>.

Important dates for Workshop paper submission:
June 5th, 2020 Paper submission deadline
July 3rd, 2020 Notification to authors
July 17th, 2020 Camera-ready deadline
Aug 23rd, 2020 Workshop date

Important dates for Workshop Challenge participation:
April 10th 2020 through July 31st 2020, Challenge Active
Aug 10th 2020, Notification to Winners
Aug 23rd, 2020, Winner Announcement and Prize Distribution

Organizing Committee
Workshop Track -1 :
Hyung Jin Chang, Univ. of Birmingham
Seonwook Park, ETH Zurich
Xucong Zhang, ETH Zurich
Otmar Hilliges, ETH Zurich
Ales Leonardis, Univ. of Birminghan

Workshop Track -2 and OpenEDS 2020 Challenge:
Robert Cavin, Facebook Reality Labs
Jixu Chen, Facebook
Alexander Fix, Facebook Reality Labs
Elias Guestrin, Facebook Reality Labs
Oleg Komogortsev, Visiting Professor Facebook Reality Labs
Kapil Krishnakumar, Facebook
Tarek Hefny, Facebook Reality Labs
Karsten Behrendt, Facebook
Cristina Palmero, Intern, Facebook Reality Labs
Abhishek Sharma, Facebook Reality Labs
Yiru Shen, Facebook Reality Labs
Sachin S. Talathi, Facebook Reality Labs

** Contact **
Workshop Track-1: Hyung Jin Chang h.j.chang at bham.ac.uk<mailto:h.j.chang at bham.ac.uk>
Workshop Track-2 and OpenEDS 2020 Challenge: openeds2020 at fb.com<mailto:openeds2020 at fb.com>

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