[visionlist] Matlab --> online Experiments

Caspar Goeke caspar.goeke at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 02:01:29 -04 2020


Hello everyone,

After finishing my PhD in Cognitive Science I created a platform for 
creating and running online psychology experiments 
(https://www.labvanced.com <https://www.labvanced.com/>), it’s easy to 
start and has a very powerful UI. You will find our source code is open 
and available on https://github.com/Labvanced/. Also we have an open 
access experiment library, in which there are hundreds of templates for 
all kinds of experiments, freely to import and share for everyone.  
(https://www.labvanced.com/expLibrary.html). I hope with that we can be 
of value for some of you in this crisis.

Best, Caspar

> Dear Maarten + All:
>> …We have been working with a Processing inspired javascript library called p5.js,
> Yes, a few of my phenomena pages are based on it
> https://michaelbach.de/ot/-misc/p5/
> In my experience its biggest plus is that it is very easy, very approachable, thus very rapidly you can get astounding results.
> What I found lacking is a good GUI (but then I’m possibly spoiled by <https://michaelbach.de/ot/-misc/cappuccino/>), a little in timing, some deficiencies in sound*, and a possibly slow 3D implementation (but then, again, this <https://michaelbach.de/ot/sze-silhouette/> does put heavy demand on on-line 3D processing).
>> … Anyhow, here (https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.08198) is a preprint, …
> Impressive, thank you.
> Clearly p5.js has lots going for it.
> Best, Michael

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