[visionlist] Fwd: Call for Participation: COVID Control - A Johns Hopkins University Study

Wolfe, Jeremy M.,Ph.D. jwolfe at bwh.harvard.edu
Mon May 4 15:18:13 -04 2020

This COVID tracking experiments comes from reputable folks at Hopkins.
Perhaps, you want to participate and if you social media reach is greater than mine, pass the word.

Hope everyone is safe and sound

Jeremy Wolfe

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From: contactcovidcontrol <contactcovidcontrol at exchange.johnshopkins.edu<mailto:contactcovidcontrol at exchange.johnshopkins.edu>>
Subject: Call for Participation: COVID Control - A Johns Hopkins University Study
Date: May 2, 2020 at 11:47:59 PM EDT
To: Undisclosed recipients:;

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Dear Friends, Colleagues, Students and Staff:

A group of us at Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health, Medicine and Engineering are conducting a Study that uses a simple App and Analytics Dashboard to identify potential emerging COVID-19 hotspots in the USA.  The App is very simple to use—you just enter your body temperature and select, if applicable, the experience of other four symptoms linked to COVID-19. Entering the data will take less than 10 seconds. The Analytics Dashboard processes this information and anonymously produces a map of temperature and symptom anomalies.  This map could help policy makers decide where medical resources may be focused, and where social distancing mandates may be needed or may be modified.

Please see the following article in the Johns Hopkins University HUB for additional details:  https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/04/30/johns-hopkins-covid-temperature-tracking-app/

Our tool will work best when the App is used by a large number of people from around the country.  Please help us increase the number of users by distributing this note to your social network.

Please go to Google Play Store<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jhu.edu.JohnsHopkinsCOVIDControl> or Apple Store<https://apps.apple.com/us/app/covid-control/id1508396930?ls=1> to download the app COVID Control – A Johns Hopkins University Study.  The website, analytics Dashboard and links to the Apps are at "http://covidcontrol.jhu.edu<http://covidcontrol.jhu.edu/>".

Thank you for helping us track and defeat COVID-19!

Ralph Etienne-Cummings, Frank Curriero and Robert Stevens

Ralph Etienne-Cummings, PhD, FIEEE
Professor and Chairman
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computational Sensor Motor Systems Lab
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics
3400 N. Charles Street
105 Barton Hall
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Websites: engineering.jhu.edu/ece/<http://engineering.jhu.edu/ece/>; engineering.jhu.edu/csms/<http://engineering.jhu.edu/csms/>; lcsr.jhu.edu/<http://lcsr.jhu.edu/>
Tel:  +1 (410) 516 3494             Mobile:  +1 (202) 329 1312

Jeremy M Wolfe, PhD
Professor of Ophthalmology & Radiology,
Harvard Medical School

Visual Attention Lab
Department of Surgery
Brigham & Women's Hospital

65 Landsdowne St
4th Floor
Cambridge, MA  02139

Phone:  617-768-8818
Fax:  617-768-8816

Best email: jwolfe at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:jwolfe at bwh.harvard.edu>
Backup: jeremywolfe0131 at gmail.com<mailto:jeremywolfe0131 at gmail.com>
URL: search.bwh.harvard.edu<http://search.bwh.harvard.edu>

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