[visionlist] Online colloquium at LMU - Dr. Manassi on serial dependencies in visual perception

Zhuanghua Shi strongway at psy.lmu.de
Mon May 4 15:32:31 -04 2020

Dear Vision Community,

Inspired by Patrick's suggestion, we would like to announce our
forthcoming online colloquium at General and Experimental Psychology,
LMU Munich, Germany (http://www.psy.lmu.de/exp/). Our guest speaker Dr.
Mauro Manassi from the University of Aberdeen
(https://www.mauromanassi.com) will give a talk on 

"Beneficial and detrimental serial dependencies in visual perception". 


Perception can be strongly serially-dependent (i.e. biased toward
previously seen stimuli). Recently, serial dependencies in perception
were proposed as a mechanism for perceptual stability, increasing the
apparent continuity of the complex environments we experience in
everyday life. For example, stable scene perception can be actively
achieved by the visual system through global serial dependencies, a
special kind of serial dependence between summary statistical
representations. Serial dependence occurs also between emotional
expressions, but it is highly selective for the same identity. Overall,
these results further support the notion of serial dependence as a
global, highly specialized, and purposeful mechanism. However, serial
dependence could also be a deleterious phenomenon in unnatural or
unpredictable situations, such as visual search in radiological scans,
biasing current judgments toward previous ones even when accurate and
unbiased perception is needed. For example, observers make consistent
perceptual errors when classifying a tumor- like shape on the current
trial, seeing it as more similar to the shape presented on the previous
trial. In a separate localization test, observers make consistent errors
when reporting the perceived position of an objects on the current
trial, mislocalizing it toward the position in the preceding trial.
Taken together, these results show two opposite sides of serial
dependence; it can be a beneficial mechanism which promotes perceptual
stability, but at the same time a deleterious mechanism which impairs
our percept when fine recognition is needed.

When: 6th May, 18:00
Zoom: 915-8703-0299
Pwd: 412237

General and Experimental Psychology, 
LMU Munich

Zhuanghua Shi, Ph.D.
Experimental Psychology, Department Psychologie
LMU München
Tel: (+49) 89 2180 5213
Fax: (+49) 89 2180 5211
Lab: msense.de

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