[visionlist] Online (remote learning) resources for perception tutorials

Mark Schira mark.schira at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 21:26:01 -04 2020

Thanks everybody for your replies, there is a lot of helpful stuff in there.
I have not found the time to carefully browse through all replies...

For what I am looking for at this moment the quantitative experiments by
Michael seem most suitable for what I am looking for.
That is something I can use to design a 1-2h tutorial, where students need
to work through assignments from home, learn something, see something and
can get results they can enter into online forms to get participation marks.
And they focus on basic perception (as opposed to high level stuff), which
is what I am looking for at the moment....

Jim's labs seem interesting, too, but they strike me as more time consuming
than the timeframe I am envisioning,

Anyway, thanks for all your suggestions, keep them coming, I may make a
collection of labs for sharing.

On Wed, 15 Jul 2020 at 05:35, Nabin Paudel, PhD <paudel.nabin at gmail.com>

> Hi Mark,
> Hans Strasburger's website software for visual psychophysics
> <http://www.hans.strasburger.de/psy_soft.html>has the most up to date
> resource available on the internet in this area.
> I hope it helps.
> Best regards,
> Nabin
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 3:26 PM Mark Schira <mark.schira at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Visionscience community
>> As this strange time of physical (and inevitably social...) distancing
>> stretches on, I imagine many of us find ourselves in a situation where we
>> need to plan and set up online tutorials, and much of the lab software and
>> demonstrations is not very compatible with such a setting.
>> I was wondering if any of you have good online resources that students
>> can engage with from home? I would be grateful for any shared resources
>> and inspiration.
>> For example I am looking for a simple, interactive lateral inhibition
>> demo, where students can play through very simple scenarios, observe and
>> report.
>> I think lateral inhibition is only one example, I think good
>> play/experiment resources would be very precious in this time, especially
>> as many older demos require flash or Java which most modern browsers no
>> longer support.
>> All the best
>> Mark
>> --
>> Mark M. Schira, Ph.D.
>> Senior Lecturer, University of Wollongong
>> Senior Research Officer, Neuroscience Research Australia
>> office:+ 61 (0) 2 4239-2501
>> mobile: +61 (0) 4059 54853
>> https://schiralab.com/
>> https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7945-0498
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Mark M. Schira, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, University of Wollongong
Senior Research Officer, Neuroscience Research Australia
office:+ 61 (0) 2 4239-2501
mobile: +61 (0) 4059 54853
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