[visionlist] CVPR Workshop on Affect Understanding in Video (AUVi)

Agata Lapedriza Garcia alapedriza at uoc.edu
Tue Mar 2 21:44:14 -04 2021

We are pleased to share with you the Call for Papers for the First
International Workshop on Affective Understanding in Video
<https://sites.google.com/corp/view/auvi-cvpr2021/home> and Evoked
Expressions in Videos Challenge
<https://sites.google.com/corp/view/auvi-cvpr2021/challenge> at CVPR 2021.

Important Dates



      Submission deadline: March 12th 2021

      Paper acceptance notification: April 7th 2021

      Camera-ready submission deadline: April 15th 2021


      Challenge open: March 1st 2021

      Challenge close: April 24th 2021

      Winners Announced: May 1st 2021

Papers are limited to 8 pages (excluding references) in the CVPR 2021 format
<http://cvpr2021.thecvf.com/node/33>. Topics include, but are not limited
to the following.


   Methods to recognize affective expressions evoked in viewers by videos,
   such as from music/audio, scenes, character interactions, and related

   Methods to recognize affective expressions of people shown in videos,
   including facial expression, body expressions, voice expression, and
   related topics.

   Ethics, bias and fairness in modeling and datasets for the problem of
   affective understanding in videos.

   Multimodal techniques for understanding affective expressions, including
   non-visual signals such as audio or speech.

   Explainability and interpretability in the context of affective video

   Temporal context and scene context in affective video understanding.

   Cross-cultural analysis of affect and subjective annotations.

   Open public academic datasets to understand affective expressions in

   Applications of affective understanding of videos to industry.

Evoked Expressions from Videos (EEV) Challenge


   Given a video, how well can models predict viewer facial reactions at
   each timestamp when watching the video?

   Predicting evoked facial expressions from video is challenging, as it
   requires modeling signals from different modalities (visual and audio)
   potentially over long timescales.

   Our challenge uses the EEV dataset
   <https://github.com/google-research-datasets/eev>, a novel dataset
   collected using reaction videos, to study these facial expressions
   variations as viewers watch the video.

   Register for the challenge here

For more information, please visit the website of the workshop
<https://sites.google.com/corp/view/auvi-cvpr2021/home> and competition

AUVi Workshop Organizing Committee

Jennifer J.Sun (Caltech)

Gautam Prasad (Google)

Ting Liu (Google)

Agata Lapedriza (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

James Z. Wang (Penn State)

Vikash Gupta (Mayo Clinic)

Sara Ostadabbas (Northeastern University)

Salil Soman (Harvard Medical School)



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