[visionlist] CFP: CogSciDays - Low-Level Information to High-Level Cognition
funda yıldırım
fundayildirim at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 06:22:03 -04 2021
Dear colleagues,
It is a pleasure to announce that CogSci Days will be held on
September 2-3, 2021 at Yeditepe University, Istanbul. We are excited
to organize a face-to-face event after more than a year in the
The theme of this year is From Low-Level Information to High-Level
Cognition: Methodologies on Cognitive Mapping
>From decision-making studies to semantics, we need to disentangle the
mechanisms behind interactive processes, all the way from low-level
information acquisition to high-level cognition. In this sense, we aim
to discuss the interaction between low-level and high-level
information processing throughout the CogSci Days!
We believe that this will be a great opportunity to update ourselves,
learn more about the subject and the methodologies adopted by relevant
research with hands-on workshops.
You can submit an abstract which will be published in the CogSciDays
Proceedings and register for the workshops. We have only 50 spots for
this event.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Hulusi Kafalıgönül - Audiovisual Integration: Flexible Use of
Dynamic Operations
Dr. Didem Gökçay - The Effects of Context in Visual Search:
Intervention of Emotional and Cognitive Load Captured in Pupillary
Dr. Tolga Esat Özkurt - The Role of Alpha Band Activity in Visual and
Auditory Memory Errors and Enhancement
For registration and more info please visit: cogscidays.com
Follow us on our social media for updates @cogscidays on Instagram and Twitter!
Call for Abstracts: https://easychair.org/cfp/CogSciDays21
Studies which bridge our understanding between low level and high
level cognition, regardless of methodology and discipline are welcome.
They will be presented as a poster (oral or digital). Besides,
abstracts will be published in the CogSciDays Proceedings with a DOI
number for future referencing.
Please, remember the following important dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 3rd, 2021.(*)
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 10th, 2021.(*)
Registration for Seminars - Deadline: September 1st, 2021.(*)
Registration for Workshops -Deadline: August 15th, 2021.(*)
Workshop and Seminar Dates: Istanbul (Turkey), September 2nd-3rd, 2021.
(*) By midnight – GMT+3
For detailed info and guideline for abstract submission:
You can also contact us for your questions at cogsc... at gmail.com
Dr. Aykut Eken – Physiology with Arduino Workshop
In the Physiological Measurement Workshop with Arduino you will learn
how Arduino and sensors are used in psychology research. For cognitive
experiments, it allows researchers to perform both physiological and
behavioral measurements. After introducing Arduino hardware and
software, physiological measurement applications will be conducted.
Touch sensor and accelerometer usage will be introduced for behavioral
measurements. You will build your own device to get
electrophysiological measurements from the brain. You can keep the
devices used at the workshop in order to replicate or try new things
on your own. Workshop Fee (including Arduino Board, Capacitive Touch
Sensor, ECG driver and sensors): 230 TRY
Dr. Funda Yildirim – Eye-tracking Workshop
You can attend the Eye Tracking for Experiments workshop in order to
get insight about eye movements work and to practice data analysis on
eye tracking data. During this workshop, you will be given theoretical
background on eye movements, conduct an online experiment and learn
how to analyze fixation, gaze pattern and pupil dilation data. You
will be given the data collected during the workshop for further
analysis. Workshop Fee: 50 TRY
Funda Yıldırım, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Engineering
and Cognitive Science Master's Program,
Yeditepe University,
26 Ağustos Yerleşkesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Kayışdağı 34755, İstanbul – Turkey
Phone: +90 216 5780428
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