[visionlist] [Research hub] Invitation to a new public Slack group

Kaan Akşit kunguz at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 12:30:36 -04 2022

Apologies for the second email. For those having issues with the invitation
link, we have updated our invitation on our main page:


Dear all,
> We started a public Slack group <https://complightlab.com/research_hub/>
> dedicated to scientists researching computer graphics, human visual
> perception, computational photography and computational displays. We aim to
> build a single hub for everyone and provide all members with a gateway to:
>    - meet others in the field,
>    - find collaborators worldwide,
>    - introduce open-source tools for research,
>    - announce and plan events in major conferences (e.g., SIGGRAPH, CVPR,
>    - advertise opportunities for others (e.g., internships, jobs,
>    initiatives, grants),
>    - promote their most recent research,
>    - find subjects for their experiments,
> But most of all, the primary goal is to stay connected to sustain a
> healthy research field. To join our Slack channel and contribute to future
> conversations, please use the provided below link:
> https://join.slack.com/t/slack-u0p8663/shared_invite/zt-12wcv87tz-_92yVoTgl9aKlrDanK8NMg
> Please do not hesitate to share the invitation link with other people in
> your field.
> Best regards,
> Kaan Akşit
> Associate Professor | University College London
> https://kaanaksit.com | https://complightlab.com
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