[visionlist] 2 Post-Doc positions @ Monica Gori's lab (U-VIP) - Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Genova – Italy

Claudio Campus Claudio.Campus at iit.it
Wed Jul 20 09:06:10 -04 2022

The Italian Institute of Technology – IIT, https://www.iit.it/  funds 2 Post-Doc positions @ Monica Gori's lab, Unit for Visually Impaired People (U-VIP, https://www.iit.it/it/research/lines/unit-for-visually-impaired-people).

*U-VIP: Unit for Visually Impaired People - Dr. Monica Gori – monica.gori at iit.it<mailto:monica.gori at iit.it>*
The main aim of the unit is to identify spatial impairments possibly conditioning the life of children and adults with and without visual disability, with the ultimate goal to develop new technological solutions suitable since the first years of life to overcome impairments and enhance learning skills. In particular the focus of the group is to investigate how integration between sensory and motor signals develops during childhood and identify solutions (technologies and rehabilitation procedures). 2 Post-Doc positions are available:

*1) One postdoctoral position in “ERC MySpace Position – Cortical mechanisms of spatial representation in children with and without visual impairment”*

  *   Links to documents/details:
     *   https://iit.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=2200005Z
     *   https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/814959
  *   Application’s deadline: *August, 20th, 2022*

*2) One postdoctoral position in “Understanding interindividual differences for human-artificial system interaction and tools development”*

  *   Links to documents/details:
     *   https://iit.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=2200006A
  *   Application’s deadline: *August, 20th, 2022*

Claudio Campus, PhD
Data science and technical support
U-VIP Unit for Visually Impaired People
Center for Human Technologies
Via Enrico Melen, 83 Edificio B - 16152 Genova
t: +39 010 2897 208

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