[visionlist] Symposium Perceptual Dynamics

Hans Op de Beeck hans.opdebeeck at kuleuven.be
Mon Oct 3 09:59:33 -04 2022

Dear all,

This Friday October 7th the department of Brain & Cognition at KU Leuven organizes a symposium on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Dr. Cees van Leeuwen. We install a Livestream that will make it possible for everyone that is interested to follow this event. More details can be found below.

Symposium “Perceptual Dynamics”

Time schedule for livestream:

14h00 – 14h05: Welcome & Introduction

Hans Op de Beeck (coordinator Brain & Cognition)

14h05 – 14h50: Perceptual dynamics and the interplay of attention and consciousness
Antonino Raffone (University of Rome, Italy)

14h50 - 15h35: Visuospatial representations in eye movement sequences: a series of investigations
Radha Maghanathan (University of Magdeburg, Germany)

15h35 – 16h20: Coffee break & musical intermezzo (other room, so no livestream during this time!)

16h20 – 17h05: Learning to read: acculturation of the brain
Thomas Lachmann (University of Kaiserslautern Landau, Germany)

17h05 – 17h50: The inevitability of perceptual dynamics
Ivan Tyukin (King’s College London, UK)

17h50 – 18h00: Closing words from Cees van Leeuwen

Microsoft Teams meeting
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Prof. Dr. Hans P. Op de Beeck, PhD

Research Unit Brain & Cognition, Leuven Brain Institute
University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
Tiensestraat 102, 3000 Leuven, Belgium, PO Box 3714

Email: hans.opdebeeck at kuleuven.be<mailto:hans.opdebeeck at kuleuven.be>
Personal profile: https://ppw.kuleuven.be/bc/team/00029058
Lab Website: https://www.hoplab.be<https://www.hoplab.be/>

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