[visionlist] [jobs] doctoral position Cyber-physical social security applied to emergent innovative technologies @ Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) & Univ. Genova

Francesco Rea Francesco.Rea at iit.it
Thu Nov 3 04:16:43 -04 2022

Curriculum: Industry 4.0 Hosting Institution Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and Università di Genova
IIT: Informatics and Communication Technology (ICT)
uniGE: Department of Computer Science, Bioenginering, Robotics and Systems Engineering (Dibris)
Tutor(s): Dr. Francesco Rea, Dr. Alessandra Sciutti, Dr. Stefano Bencetti; Prof. Nicoletta Noceti
In the field of cyber security the effectiveness of security measures to protect personal data is increasing, people remain susceptible to manipulation and thus the human element remains the weakest link: social engineering. The overall aim of the project is to investigate how to prevent disclosure of sensitive information applied to the areas where humans use interconnected technologies (e.g. robotics, IOT, Big Data Analytics systems) especially in the context of human machine interactions (e.g.: robot companion, assistive robotics, home assistance, etc.). The aim unfolds into two goals for the candidate. First, the ideal candidate is required to develop algorithms of human machine interaction relying on cutting-edge machine learning techniques that allow the artificial intelligence to adapt to the person. The second goal is to improve the robustness and high integrity of system architectures (cyber-physical security) relying also on computer vision and adopted for above-mentioned cutting-edge technologies. As outcome of the project, such methodologies will be concretely applied to innovative applications especially involving robotics technologies designed at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia to make the applications socially aware and socially acceptable.
Application online available at  https://drim.i-rim.it/it/ammissione-2/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drim.i-rim.it/it/ammissione-2/__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!tyQpVCRzhWZITn9u5kfCdy-IyT27G36rD2l9uMQdgnTPeabz3F9ckWqVR7lgvdPS22GRpWOoxmKZym_bIHf-2xFSBxCTa14U$>
Applicants are expected to have very good skills in at least two of the following areas: software development, computer vision, robot programming, machine learning. Furthermore, good attitude for experimental work is mandatory. The candidates must have: very good programming skills with different languages (including C/C++, Python, 6 Matlab/Simulink); be capable to conduct experiments; attitude to problem solving, and be strongly motivated for team working.
* Pasquali D., Gonzalez-Billandon J., Aroyo A.M., Sandini G., Sciutti A., Rea F. (2021). Detecting Lies is a Child (Robot)'s Play: Gaze-Based Lie Detection in HRI. International Journal of Social Robotics
* Pasquali D., Gonzalez-Billandon J., Rea F., Sandini G., Sciutti A. (2021). Magic iCub: A humanoid robot autonomously catching your lies in a card game. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
* Pasquali D., Sciutti A., Sandini G., Bencetti S., Rea F. (2022); Toward a HumanOriented Social Engineering Defense System; Workshop: AI for Cybersecurity, Second CINI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Ital-IA)
Number of positions available: 1
Deadline: 28th of November, 2022
Main Research Site: Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova - Italy CONTACT - COgNiTive Architecture for Collaborative Technologies (IIT) https://www.iit.it/it/web/cognitive-architecture-for-collaborative-technologies/home<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.iit.it/it/web/cognitive-architecture-for-collaborative-technologies/home__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!tyQpVCRzhWZITn9u5kfCdy-IyT27G36rD2l9uMQdgnTPeabz3F9ckWqVR7lgvdPS22GRpWOoxmKZym_bIHf-2xFSB0de7VOT$>
Contacts: Dr. Francesco Rea, Francesco.Rea at iit.it<mailto:Francesco.Rea at iit.it>;  Dr.; Alessandra Sciutti, Alessandra.Sciutti at iit.it<mailto:Alessandra.Sciutti at iit.it>; Dr. Stefano Bencetti, Stefano.Bencetti at iit.it<mailto:Stefano.Bencetti at iit.it> ; Prof. Nicoletta Noceti, Nicoletta.Noceti at unige.it<mailto:Nicoletta.Noceti at unige.it>
Funding Scheme: this doctorate position is fully funded by the proponent research institution

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