[visionlist] Troland Award Nominations Open

Brainard, David H brainard at psych.upenn.edu
Wed Aug 23 08:32:56 -04 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to ask for your help to identify outstanding candidates for the 2024 Troland Research Award.

Two Troland Research Awards of $75,000 are given annually to recognize unusual achievement by early-career researchers (preferably 45 years of age or younger) and to further empirical research within the broad spectrum of experimental psychology. Additional information, including past recipients, eligibility requirements, and more, can be found at http://bit.ly/troland<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__bit.ly_troland&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=T4PecEzhzMJvH5_4BF1t7OE7EKjA5kylfEq6gsFyE7o&m=jYqHGrtZU_VK1pj8RwqpX6uTFM2MK4HAls9hRkxDadOa6KtFg-lh4brFauSWp22J&s=C01WAObGxBOnwtefaeQlWlV_buTjXeQf2v84gW7T_4E&e=>.

All nominations must be submitted online<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__awards-2Dnasonline.secure-2Dplatform.com_a_organizations_main_home&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=T4PecEzhzMJvH5_4BF1t7OE7EKjA5kylfEq6gsFyE7o&m=jYqHGrtZU_VK1pj8RwqpX6uTFM2MK4HAls9hRkxDadOa6KtFg-lh4brFauSWp22J&s=Xmy39231XcDKpLk6bF5-eBI3dYk6WNOIoLfuCX_4Tz4&e=>. Unless otherwise stated, the following materials must be submitted:

  1.  A letter from the nominator describing the candidate's work and why he or she should be selected for the award. Nominators may not nominate individuals from their home institution. If other individuals worked on the research the nominee(s) is being nominated for, please explain why they are not included in the nomination. No more than three (3) pages.
  2.  Curriculum vitae. No more than two (2) pages (similar to CVs included with NSF proposals).
  3.  Bibliography listing no more than twelve (12) of the nominee's most significant publications.
  4.  Suggested citation. A 50-word summary stating why the nominee should be considered for this award. Citation examples<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.nasonline.org_programs_awards_citations.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=T4PecEzhzMJvH5_4BF1t7OE7EKjA5kylfEq6gsFyE7o&m=jYqHGrtZU_VK1pj8RwqpX6uTFM2MK4HAls9hRkxDadOa6KtFg-lh4brFauSWp22J&s=Sfl3kkWeo24quB0nEU_qR4_B6YunEWkrIVhCBHuIqqE&e=>»
  5.  Two letters of support. No more than one letter of support can be written by someone of the same primary work institution as the nominee. While only two letters of support are required, we do accept up to three letters.

Nominations accepted through Monday, October 2, 2023.  Please help spread the word that the nomination process is underway.

We encourage full nominations, but would also appreciate receiving just the name of a strong candidate. Please send such
suggestions by email to awards at nas.edu<mailto:awards at nas.edu>.


The Troland Research Award Selection Committee

Edward Calloway
David Brainard
Elizabeth Buffalo
Marisa Carrasco
Wilson Geisler
Kia Nobre

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