[visionlist] PhD on gaze-based interaction, University of Stuttgart, DE

Lisa Eberhardt lisa.eberhardt at uni-ulm.de
Fri Nov 3 04:17:12 -04 2023

Eyes4ICU is hiring: There is one position to be filled by a doctoral 
candidate at University of Stuttgart, Germany. The Doctoral Candidates 
should have a MSc degree in computer sciences, support trans-national 
mobility and have interest and knowledge in eye tracking and gaze-based 

Eyes for information, communication, and understanding (Eyes4ICU) is a 
collaborative Doctoral Network funded under Horizon Europe. In Eyes4ICU, 
Anke Huckauf (coordinator, Ulm University), Izabela and Krzysztof Krejtz 
(SWPS, Warsaw), Peter Kiefer (ETH Zürich), Roman Bednarik (University of 
Eastern Finland), Mária Bieliková (KinIT), Andreas Bulling (University 
of Stuttgart) and Dan Hansen (IT University of Copenhagen) explore novel 
forms of gaze interaction.

More information about the project and the recruitment process can be 
found on our website: https://www.eyes4icu.eu/recruitment/

We appreciate if you share this information with potentially interested 

Thank you on behalf of Eyes4ICU

(Project manager)

Dr. Lisa Eberhardt
Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie

Universität Ulm
Institut für Psychologie und Pädagogik
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
D-89081 Ulm

Raum 47.2.401
+49-(0)731/50 31154

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