[visionlist] Explore Color Science Opportunities: Teach at CIC32!

Roberta Morehouse RMorehouse at imaging.org
Wed May 15 09:28:20 -04 2024

Share your expertise in color science and imaging by teaching at CIC32! Teaching a course or workshop offers a unique chance to impart in-depth knowledge and practical insights to industry peers. Guide participants through various applications and technologies, fostering collaboration and contributing to field advancement.
Submission Deadline: June 1
Prefer to share your research? Consider submitting a Journal-first or Conference Proceedings paper for CIC32. View deadlines and details at https://bit.ly/CIC32-CFP.
IS&T Color and Imaging Conference (CIC32) - Montreal, Canada
📅 October 28 - November 1, 2024
📍 Hotel Omni Mont-Royal, Montreal, Canada
🔗 https://bit.ly/CIC32

Roberta Morehouse
Communications and Marketing Manager
Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)<http://www.imaging.org>

—imaging across applications—

IS&T is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science and technology in imaging. Please consider a donation.<https://www.imaging.org/site/IST/About_Us/Donations/IST/About/Donations.aspx?hkey=15c1ceb0-3c54-4271-9fc1-67284a195057>

Please contact info at imaging.org<mailto:info at imaging.org> for immediate requests!

Connect with us on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/society-for-imaging-science-and-technology-is&t-/?viewAsMember=true> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/ImagingOrg> @ImagingOrg
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