[visionlist] Fully funded PhD fellowship in neurosciences at the CerCo laboratory (CNRS UMR 5549, Toulouse France) under the supervision of Benoit Cottereau and Jean-Baptiste Durand

COTTEREAU Benoît benoit.cottereau at cnrs.fr
Tue May 21 22:17:01 -04 2024

Fully funded PhD fellowship in neurosciences
at the CerCo laboratory (CNRS UMR 5549, Toulouse France)

Benoit Cottereau / Jean-Baptiste Durand

Starting date: Second semester of 2024

Supervisors: Benoit Cottereau, research director at CNRS (CerCo, contact: benoit.cottereau at cnrs.fr<mailto:benoit.cottereau at cnrs.fr>) and Jean-Baptiste Durand, researcher at CNRS (CerCo, contact: jbdurand at cnrs.fr<mailto:jbdurand at cnrs.fr>)

Keywords: Face processing, Vision, Non-human primate, Comparative Neurosciences, fMRI, EEG.

Characterization of the brain responses associated with facial recognition in human and non-human primates

The macaque has been considered for decades as the best animal model available to understand the neural mechanisms of visual cognition in humans, particularly for face perception. There is, however, evidence suggesting behavioral and neural differences between the two species during facial recognition, a key brain function that involves complex mechanisms of perception, learning, memory, emotion and attention (Rossion & Taubert, 2019). The objective of this PhD thesis is to compare the spontaneous facial recognition abilities of humans and macaques based on neuroimaging measurements (fMRI and EEG) using a frequency tagging paradigm (Gao et al., 2018; Laurent et al., 2023). These measurements will be carried out within the CerCo laboratory (CNRS UMR 5549), which has a neuroimaging platform specifically dedicated to research in human and non-human primates. The PhD is part of a collaborative ANR project (PREFER) which also involves research groups in Nancy (Bruno Rossion’s team) and Marseille (Thomas Brochier’s team).

The candidate should be willing to work on facial recognition in humans but also in macaques, have a good level in English, good programming skills and be interested in neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI and EEG.

The research will take place in Toulouse, a student city (Toulouse is the second university hub in France) with high quality of life located in the south west of France (close to the Pyrenees, the Mediterranean Sea and the Spanish border). The position will be fully funded during the three years of the PhD, with standard French salaries. Strong interactions with the other research groups involved (in Nancy and Marseille) are anticipated.

Applications should be sent to benoit.cottereau at cnrs.fr<mailto:benoit.cottereau at cnrs.fr> and jbdurand at cnrs.fr<mailto:jbdurand at cnrs.fr>, including a CV and 2 names of references.


- Gao, X., Gentile, F., & Rossion, B. (2018). Fast periodic stimulation (FPS): a highly effective approach in fMRI brain mapping. Brain Structure and Function, 223, 2433-2454.

- Laurent, M. A., Audurier, P., De Castro, V., Gao, X., Durand, J. B., Jonas, J., ... & Cottereau, B. R. (2023). Towards an optimization of functional localizers in non-human primate neuroimaging with (fMRI) frequency-tagging. NeuroImage, 270, 119959.

- Rossion, B., & Taubert, J. (2019). What can we learn about human individual face recognition from experimental studies in monkeys? Vision research, 157, 142-158.

Benoit R. Cottereau, PhD, HDR, CNRS Research director (DR2)
at IPAL (IRL 2955, Singapore) and CerCo (UMR 5549, Toulouse) laboratories,
Adjunct associate professor in computer science at the National University of Singapore (NUS),
Director of the CerCo SV3M team (Spatial Vision in Man, Monkey and Machine):
Supervisor of the Integrative Neurosciences master program of Toulouse III University
webpages: http://cerco.cnrs.fr/page-benoit-cottereau/
e-mail: benoit.cottereau at cnrs.fr<mailto:benoit.cottereau at cnrs.fr>
phone: (+65)-8302-2615

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