[visionlist] FoVea Travel and Networking Award: VSS 2025

Schoenlein, Melissa mschoenl at highpoint.edu
Tue Jan 21 09:38:08 -05 2025

FoVea Travel and Networking Award
Females of Vision et al. (FoVea) is excited to announce its 9th round of the FoVea Travel and Networking Award. Up to eight awards will be funded by the National Science Foundation and the journal Visual Cognition. The FoVea Travel and Networking Award includes up to $1000 to cover costs for attending the 2025 Vision Science Society (VSS) meeting.
Submissions are due on February 12th, 2025 and should be submitted through http://www.foveavision.org/awards/accepting-applications. Questions can be sent to fovea.award at gmail.com<mailto:fovea.award at gmail.com>.
The FoVea Travel and Networking Award is open to members of the Vision Science Society (VSS) who identify as women, including transgender, intersex, and non-binary individuals. Applicants may hold pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, pre-tenure faculty, or research scientist positions. FoVea is working toward advancing the success of all women in vision science and strives to be inclusive to members of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and persons with disabilities.
FoVea created this award as part of its mission to advance the visibility, impact, and success of women in vision science. A report from Cooper and Radonjić (2016) indicated that in 2015, the ratio of women to men in VSS was near equal at the pre-doctoral level (1:1.13) but decreased as career stage increased. The decline is symptomatic of forces that impede the professional development of women in vision science. A key aspect of professional development is building a professional network to support scientific pursuits and to provide mentorship at critical junctions in one’s academic career. The FoVea Travel and Networking Award will help women in vision science to build their professional network by encouraging them to meet with two Networking Contacts at the VSS meeting to discuss their research and consider potential for collaboration. The Networking Contacts can be of any gender.

The goals of the FoVea Travel and Networking Award are to:

Increase the visibility of women by giving them the opportunity to meet and have one-on-one discussions with senior scientists at the meeting.
Increase the productivity of women by potentially stimulating collaborative research with the Networking Contacts.
Increase the networking skills of women, both those who apply for and win the awards, and those who peruse the written reports of awardees on the FoVea website (www.foveavision.org).
Increase the accessibility of VSS for excellent women in vision science.
Increase the number of awards women vision scientists can list on their CVs, thereby enhancing their professional profile.

Materials to be submitted by the applicant:
The following materials should be combined in a single PDF and uploaded through the “Submit Application” link at http://www.foveavision.org/awards/accepting-applications.


Networking Plan (500 word limit): a proposal describing the applicant’s plan to network with two senior scientists during the VSS 2025 meeting. The plan should demonstrate establishing new relationships with the identified scientists. Plans should include an explanation for why the applicant chose these particular Networking Contacts, a plan for what topics will be discussed during the meeting, and a statement of how the applicant hopes relationships with the Networking Contacts will help advance their research/career agenda. 

Diversity of Experience Statement (250 word limit): a description of the ways in which the applicant is contributing to the expansion of diverse experiences and/or inclusive opportunities within vision science. This statement may include ways in which the applicant increases representation, has diverse experiences, and/or is actively involved in bringing new opportunities for representation through research/scientific activities in the vision science community.
Networking Contact statements of agreement: a statement from each senior scientist named as a Networking Contact that says:

“I agree to serve as a Networking Contact for [applicant] and will meet with them at VSS 2025.”
This is not a letter of recommendation and should not elaborate on the merits of the applicant. Networking Contacts can provide this statement in an email to the applicant or written on letterhead. Statements of agreement should be included in the PDF submitted by the applicant.
Materials to be submitted by the applicant’s advisor, research supervisor, or department head:

A letter of support: This can be from the applicant’s advisor, research supervisor, or department head. Letters should be no more than 1 page. This letter should include details of the applicant’s research potential and value of the networking activities given the career stage of the applicant. This letter should be submitted by the letter writer through the “Submit Recommendation” link at http://www.foveavision.org/awards/accepting-applications.

Awardees will agree to write a report on their networking methods and outcomes after the conference by June 3, 2025. FoVea will post these reports on its website.
ELIGIBILITY: An applicant must be a member of the Vision Sciences Community who identifies as a woman, including transgender, intersex, and non-binary individuals.  Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research scientists (non-tenure track), or pre-tenure faculty members are eligible.
REVIEW PROCESS: Applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of five members of the VSS community with Charisse Pickron as Chair. Awards will be announced by early April.
REIMBURSEMENT: After VSS, reimbursement will be processed as a $1000 stipend. Individuals that are not residents of the US for tax purposes may have a withholding tax deducted from the award per Federal and State laws.

FoVea Committee:
Diane Beck, Mary Peterson, Charisse Pickron, Karen Schloss, Melissa Schoenlein, Cathleen Moore, and Allison Sekuler

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