[visionlist] PhD Student Position in Robot Vision

Marc Ebner marc.ebner at uni-greifswald.de
Fri Mar 3 09:24:28 -05 2017

Open Position No. 17/Sa06 in Robot Vision
at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald, Germany

One PhD position in Robot Vision (research assistant No. 17/Sa06) at the University of Greifswald, Germany, is currently open! Funding is available for 3 years. The successful applicant is expected to start on 1 May 2017. Applicants should have a very good Master's degree in computer science, physics, mathematics or electrical engineering.
Successful applicants will have to do mostly research but also teach two hours per week. Applicants should have a drive for research and should have knowledge in one or more of the following research areas: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Games, Genetic Programming or Evolutionary Algorithms. Applicants must be fluent in English and must have excellent programming skills (C++). Knowledge of OpenCV, OpenGLSL, CUDA, GPGPU, Unix/Linux, Script Languages or Physics Engines is a plus. Applications (including CV, transcripts, Master's Thesis, and, if available, list of publications as PDFs) for this positions should be sent to marc.ebner at uni-greifswald.de. Deadline for sending in applications is 31 March 2017.


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