[visionlist] Funded postdoc position - value learning and attention

Jennifer O'Brien obrien.jenk at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 16:10:22 -05 2018

A Minority Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Jen O’Brien at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. The successful candidate will be involved in new and ongoing experiments investigating the mechanisms through which value-prediction directs attention and biases what we attend to and ignore in our visual world. S/He will use both behavioral and electrophysiological (EEG) methods to investigate the role of value learning on attention bias and how this interacts with the dopamine system in the brain. 

Preference will be given to candidates with research interests in visual cognition, reward processing, and ERPs and with a PhD in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, or a related discipline. The successful candidate will show evidence of research productivity in the form of peer-reviewed publications and national or international conference proceedings, have excellent quantitative skills, and demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills. Experience with EEG/ERP analysis programs (e.g., EEG/ERPLAB, Netstation, Neuroscan), stimulus presentation programs (e.g., E-prime, PsychoPy, Psychtoolbox), and statistical analysis (e.g., MATLAB, R, SPSS) is required, and proficiency in MATLAB is highly desired.

In addition to research responsibilities, the post doc will be required to teach as the faculty of record one existing upper level or graduate class per year based on his/her background and interests and will be expected to supervise undergraduate and graduate research assistants. The position will also include supervision of a team of undergraduate and graduate assistants, with the possibility of supervision of an undergraduate or a Master’s thesis. Additionally, the post doc will contribute to the Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Issues of Diversity and Inclusive Community (CADIC) over the two-year period and work with the University’s Chief Diversity Officer who has experience working with minority populations. Therefore, prior experience working or volunteering with underrepresented minority populations is expected. Preference will be given to US citizens or legal aliens representing historically underrepresented populations. Also, in an effort to strengthen ties between land-grant institutions, preference also will be given to individuals with graduate degrees from 1890 or 1994 land-grant institutions.

POSTDOCTORAL STIPEND: $47,700 per year plus benefits. The post doc will also receive at least $2,500 for professional development.

The position is a two-year fellowship available starting June 2018. To apply, please submit a letter of intent, CV, and names/contact details of at least three references through the following job portal: https://gems.fastmail.usf.edu:4440/psp/gemspro-tam/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_APP_SCHJOB.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_SCHJOB&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1 <https://gems.fastmail.usf.edu:4440/psp/gemspro-tam/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_APP_SCHJOB.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_SCHJOB&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1>  (Advanced Search à Job Opening ID = 16295)
I will be at VSS this year and can meet with interested individuals. Email me at jenobrien at usf.edu.

USFSP is a Master’s granting, regionally accredited institution within the USF System and seeks to have 10,000 students by 2020. The Department of Psychology has approximately 400 undergraduate majors and a Master’s degree program in experimental psychology.

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